Updating Your Resume

Career Advice, World Academy

Welcome to the World Academy blog series. In these posts, our very own HR department shares valuable tips and insight to help you unlock your financial good in your career as well as your finances.

A resume is more than just a piece of paper or a file on a screen. It’s the representation of your experience, skill, and work ethic. When you’re not able to make a first impression in person, your resume is a stand-in for you.

Sound like a lot of pressure to put on one little piece of paper? Don’t sweat it. While your resume is important, it’s most effective when it’s simple, strong, and to-the-point.

We’ve gathered our best tips for sharpening your resume so it will catch employers’ interest – and maybe even get you a call back.

Keep it Fresh

When’s the last time you updated your resume? If you want your resume to reflect who you are right now (and not 5 years ago), it’s best to keep it fresh.

  • Modernize Your Header
    The header is the part of your resume with all the contact info: name, number, etc. Keep your first and last name, phone number, and professional email address here. Leave your mailing address out – it takes up unnecessary space and isn’t typically needed these days. If you have a LinkedIn profile (you should!), add it here, too.
  • Stick to What’s Relevant
    With the position you’re applying for in mind, read over your resume. Highlight any experience or skills that are geared toward that position and eliminate the ones that aren’t. Don’t go as far as to leave gaps in your resume – that can be a red flag to some employers – but take time to home in on things that would catch the company’s eye. Speaking of relevant, take this time to edit out outdated skills or technologies.
  • Font & Format
    When it comes to the job market, looks matter. Why? It’s all about being striking and memorable. Use a template or look at some of the best resume formats and choose one that is sleek and simple. Try and keep it to one page – more than that, and you could lose the attention of recruiters and employers! Use concise, skimmable language, pack a punch with action verbs, and avoid embellishment. As for font, choose something modern but professional (like Arial, Georgia, or even Times New Roman) and stick with 12 pt for size.

Your resume isn’t a static document. Feel free to update it as often as your experience changes – and as often as you find ways to express your skills. If one version of your resume hasn’t been getting the attention you want, change it!

Keep putting your resume – and yourself – out there. Good luck!

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